Do You Experience Migraines?

Turn down the Volume.
Turn up your Comfort.

According to the American Migraine Foundation*, migraines impact almost 40 million people in the United States. Migraines are a neurological disease that involves various symptoms including headache, sensitivity to light, and nausea. Migraines interfere with many daily life activities for those who are impacted.

Who can benefit from Zenni’s FL41 migraine lenses?

Zenni’s new FL-41 migraine lenses may improve the symptoms of our customers who are experiencing migraines and light sensitivity. In addition, Zenni’s FL-41 migraine lenses may help with symptoms related to traumatic brain injuries and blepharospasm.

Woman Reading with FL-41 Migraine Lenses

How do Zenni’s FL-41 migraine lenses help? What’s the science behind it?

Zenni’s FL-41 migraine lenses are unique lenses that block 480-520nm wavelengths. This specific range of light includes those wavelengths that are most bothersome to our eyes and neurological system. By blocking these painful wavelengths of light, these lenses may help reduce the frequency and overall severity of migraines.

In addition, Zenni’s FL-41 migraine lenses may improve contrast and sharpness. By reducing glare from digital screens and artificial fluorescent lights, migraine sufferers may experience immediate eye relief and an improvement of symptoms.

Certain light wavelengths (480-520nm) that are found in sunlight, fluorescent lights, LED screens, and digital devices can trigger migraines and intensify light sensitivity.

How are Zenni’s FL-41 migraine lenses different from Blokz® blue-light blocking lenses?

Zenni’s Blokz® Blue-Light Blocking Lenses block harmful blue light from digital devices that contribute to eye strain and sleep disruption.

Zenni’s FL-41 migraine lenses are uniquely designed to block a specific range of light (480-520nm) that is most bothersome to our eyes which can also contribute to migraines.
They do filter out some wavelengths of blue light between 390nm and 450nm.

Both lenses offer 100% UV Protection.

Check out the comparison table below:

Lens Information

Lens Type Tint Color Key Wavelengths Filtered Symptoms/Conditions Treated
FL-41 Migraine Lenses Rose-Tinted/Pink 480-520nm Migraines
Light Sensitivity
Blokz® Blue-Light Blocking Lenses Virtually Clear to Yellow Up to 450nm Eye Strain
Sleep Disruption


What is the difference between the 25%, 50%, and 80% Tint?

Zenni’s FL-41 lenses will be available to order in 3 tint levels: 25%, 50%, and 80%. The 25% tint is recommended for indoor use and for those who experience mild light sensitivity and/or migraines. The 50% tint is recommended for moderate light sensitivity and can be used indoors and outdoors. The 80% tint is recommended for outdoor use for those with heavy light sensitivity and/or migraines.

FL-41 Migraine Lenses Close Up

I can’t wait to try out these lenses.
When, Where, and How can I order FL-41 Zenni lenses?

Zenni’s FL-41 lenses are now available in our order pathway under Specialty Lenses!

Starting at just $45.95, these lenses include a Premium AR and Scratch Resistance coating, as well as UV protection. FL-41 migraine lenses will be available in both 1.57 and 1.61 lens indices. They are available to order as single-vision lenses, progressives, as well as, non-prescription lenses.


About the Author: Dr. Mori Ahi, O.D.

Dr. Mori has over 10 years of experience in eye care. She earned her undergraduate degree from UCLA and her optometry degree from the New England College of Optometry. She has worked in a variety of eye care settings and is passionate about helping her patients find a great pair of affordable glasses